House of Iyàmi À

is a cultural memory activation catalyst, ancestral wisdom library, collective care practise space, healing studio & podcast.

Co-weaving a constellation of ancestral & contemporary diasporic wisdom teachings, healing arts modalities and technologies into liberation strategies for revolutionary change & seeding the new Earth. Together with our ancestors we are co-dreaming our afro-futurist visions of a just new world into our material reality.

Our offerings include an intersectional container of care for one-on-one empowerment or collective co-learning, including spirit centred decolonised life-coaching sessions, transformative workshops, divination therapy, community healing circles and seasonal retreats. We offer a non-judgemental sanctuary for all beings to unfold, reseed, connect, integrate and heal.

Who are Ìyami Àjé?

The caretakers in the physical & spirit, these mistresses of the cosmic realms are the womb and architects of existence. Hailing from the ancient Yoruba cosmological pantheon, the Ìyàmi Àjé are our fertile, protective, primordial mothers and creative, divine feminine powers.

These feminine forces and conduits of spirit are the divine mothers that have existed in the unseen and physical realms since the dawn of existence across all African cultures.

Protectors of children, they ensure our evolution here on Earth and maintain balance between the polarities of our dual material reality. They are harbingers of justice, they control agricultural fertility and plant life. Teachers of spiritual communication and holistic healing which include metaphysics, herbalism, terrestrial laws, divination, symbols and rituals. These all powerful mothers are the custodians of the mysterious forces of nature, guardians of destiny, healing, the gatekeepers of the realms of cosmic creation and continuity in society.

The Mothers enjoy suzerainty because of a force called Àjé and are recognised as the “celestial gods of society”.

your guide, Buki Fadipe

Buki is an initiated sacred (psychedelic plants and fungi) medicine ceremonialist, a politicised transformational guide (Spiritual Life coach), educator, and seer, who specialises in empowering folks along their spiritual reclamation and decolonisation journeys. As a multi-disciplinary healing catalyst and intuitive artist she co-weaves ancestral ritual arts, psycho-spiritual education and cultural memory activation with somatic practises, creating transformative potent one-on-one and collective offerings.

As an ancestral trauma educated, culturally informed, decolonised practitioner, Buki works with people to connect with their power, purpose and dreams. She supports folks in shifting their lens from colonial-minded, dominator-culture induced cycles of disconnection and disempowerment to embodied liberation, belonging and self-love.

Her work is an invitation to experience the transformative powers of earth-based technologies for recalibration, reconnection and restoration. Through the tending of their roots, Buki guides seekers across the thresholds of their perceived limitations, supporting the composting of societal programming, intergenerational conditioning to excavate their soul memory and intelligence.

Her immediate indigenous Yoruba (Nigerian) lineage and diasporic ancestral heritage inform the core elements of her worldview. Her knowledge and experience include esoteric African spiritual traditions, entheogenic (sacred) plant medicine, politicized somatics, divination therapy, energy healing modalities including crystal, sound and chakra balancing and elemental ritual practise.

Buki is dedicated to facilitating ecosystems of care and connection. By championing the spirit of intimacy through the creation of life affirming constellations of connection that nurture vulnerability, nourish a sense of belonging, freedom and liberation. 

Hello I’m Buki,

founder of House of Iyámi Ajé. I am a Nigerian, British intuitive artist, somatics & trauma educated Psychedelic Practitioner, Decolonized Educator, Psycho-spiritual transformational coach and Ceremonialist with over 7 years of experience working with sacred (psilocybin) mushrooms, in a ceremonial context in countries where this ancient healing medicine is legal.

My commitment to centring marginalised narratives and the collective traumas of people of the global majority extends to exploring the potential our ancient perspectives, philosophies, cosmologies and technologies might have for healing the systemic wounds perpetuated by neo-colonial, white-supremacist-capitalist-patriarchal culture and the intersecting systems of oppression scaffolded to Western dominant culture.

I am grateful for the wisdom of my ancestors, elders and teachers such as Malidoma Patrice Some, Sobonfu Some, Dr Ayele Kumari, Dr Bayp Akomolafe, Ama Ata Aidoo, Temitope Adefarakan Audrey Lorde, Pat McCabe, Teresa Washington, Karen M Rose, Cara Page, Erica Woodland, Staci Haines and bell hooks. These people have greatly influenced and inspired me, expanded and nurtured me. Shaped my outlook, reorganised my perspectives and supported my path and vision for my shift onto a decolonised journey.

In supporting BIPOC and LGBTQ communities I lean heavily on my own historic biopsychosocial experience of racial and intergenerational trauma as wells as the experience of the collective, systemic injustices perpetuated by pervading colonial ideologies.

As a spirit centred educator and ceremonialist I focus on supporting those suffering from intergenerational, psychological, emotional, societal or spiritual challenges.The path of decolonized healing is an invitation to shed toxic colonial identities we’ve unconsciously adopted, that shroud our true authentic nature. For many psychological/emotional dis-ease is a signal that the higher self (our soul) is seeking integration. Our materialist worldview conditions us to thrive at an ego based level, not a spiritual one which is where our true self resides.

On this path we are encouraged to embrace, inquire and reconnect with our heart and higher mind, our authentic truth. In committing to our liberation we answer the ancestral call to reclaim our agency, autonomy, and authority over our lives, we commit to a revolutionary act.

Awards & Recognitions


    MSc TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY - Alef Trust / Liverpool John Moores University






  • WISDOM OF TAROT: California Institute of Integral Studies,

    Benebell Wen

    Awakening Justice: Embodied Philosophy Wisdom School

    CREATING COMMUNITY:Psychedelic Integration Circles (Tam Integration)

Spirit medicine

Spirit medicine