Reconnection. Reclamation. Restoration



Sign up to the newsletter to attend my live webinars, or purchase access to pre-recorded embodiment practise guidance sessions which explore different strategies for liberatory empowerment by decolonizing your mind, body & spirit.

Reclaiming your authentic-self

A guided pre-recorded workshop for understanding the psychological impact of structural oppression and societal conditioning. This class will guide participants to recognise their conditioned tendencies and false inherited beliefs. You will be offered practises to support dismantling your unconscious colonial identities to reclaim your power by reconnecting to your higher self.

Coming Soon

Embodying Decolonial Freedoms

  • What does freedom look like to you?

  • How are we restricted by our histories?

  • What does it mean to decolonise our healing?

This pre-recorded class demystifies ‘decolonisation’ with a nuanced explanation of what it means to apply this lens to our lives, communities, spirituality & healing.

Coming Soon



If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific needs, 1:1 decolonised transformational coaching might be the right step for you.

For many people conventional therapy just doesn’t work. Quiet often black and brown folx need more culturally focused, socio-politically oriented and spiritually nuanced guidance that utilises a decolonised and non-pathological lens when it comes to providing transformational life intervention.


I utilise a holism model which is a decolonised approach to centring all aspects of the self, mind-body-spirt and the intersections of these facets, An empowerment model, creating a safe, non-judgmental container where folx can focus on disrupting and uprooting ‘colonial’ logic, decentring the Eurocentric principle that shape contemporary Western lives, interrogating our conditioned tendencies, inherited beliefs and habitual behaviours through somatic, psychological, emotional, embodied, and spiritual methodologies.

My work combines a multiplicity of ancient wisdom technologies, somatic practises, shadow/mirror work, and contemporary pycho-spiritual methodologies to support you to excavate your inner truths, intelligence and embodied knowing.

Learn what you can expect in a session below or book a free consultation today.


An 8 week transformational coaching program for decolonising mind-body-spirit.


Decolonising mind, body spirit, is the sacred work of the heart. It is deep, courageous, spirit-centred inner work that disrupts and dismantles the mental and metaphysical colonial chains keeping you locked to an identity you have out grown.

Ritual for the Revolution is my transformational coaching program that utilises both theoretical, psychological, spiritual and somatic dynamics in your healing & liberation process. A holism frame work that considers all three facets of the human self, mind-body-spirt it follows the five concepts of decolonisation.







Drawing on modalities that include sharing/reflection, embodied practises such as somatics, declarations, guided meditation, energy clearing, breath-work and ritual to engage in deep inner work of accessing our super-conscious mind (spirit consciousness) to dismantle conditioned tendencies, societal programming and inherited patterning.

It is deep soul work that requires compassionate inquiry, shadow work and integration. It is through the vulnerability of breaking ourselves open that our whole and authentic self seeks passage.

Through a personalised frame work tailored to you, I guide your process of shedding outdated ways of being harnessing harness resilience, self-empowerment and

“"My fullest concentration of energy is available to me only when I integrate all parts of who I am, openly, allowing power from particular sources of my living to flow back and forth freely through all my different selves, without restrictions of externally imposed definition." 

Audre Lorde 


Transformational Coaching Program

The program guides people to see beyond the colonial veil, to recognise the ways in which we collectively internalise white supremacy, colonial logic, euro-centric principles and other patriarchal ideologies that keep us tethered to toxic societal structures of oppression and in cycles of perpetuating a culture of domination. Participants will come to understand the ways in which these systems and structures enact violence on us collectively as well as through intergenerational/ epigenetic trauma and conditioning.

Shifting the narrative from from victimhood /oppression to empowerment, you will come to understand the ways in which you have been shaped by our survival strategies. This program invites individuals to question how they might practise and come to embody new narratives, a new reality and a new perspective.

In committing to the liberatory work of decolonising our mind, body, spirit, we recenter our sovereign identity, our blood lineage narratives and histories. We shed the conditioning of dominator culture, allow nature and our ancestors to reconnect us with the wisdom of our personal truths and create space to dream/build a world beyond false limitations we were formally imprisoned by.

*For folx that want to deepen into their dismantling and reclamation work with sacred medicines and Earth based ritual and ceremony. Inquire about my psilocybin and cannabis healing intensives and retreats.

*I offer mentorship for sacred/plant medicine practitioners, therapists and space holders wanting to decolonise their practise.

1:1 Transformational Coaching Sessions


    60 minute sessions will take you on a guided journey of compassionate, introspective & spiritual enquiry, reflection and integration.

    Inviting in growth and change takes courage.

    These sessions support you to reconnect with your self agency, authority, intuition, purpose and power. Each we will comprise of a centering exercise, self-inquiry/sharing & reflection and a experiential somatic practise for integration.

    Meeting you where you are on your path, over the course of our 1:1 sessions will create a route map for reaching your goals, identifying your commitments and shaping your new narratives/reality.


    Somatic Centering

    Inquiry/ Sharing/Reflection

    Somatic Embodiment Practise

    The inquiry/sharing component will allow us to identify out dated programming, colonial/societal conditioning in order to dismantle false beliefs, conditioned tendencies.

    The experiential portion of our sessions will utilise psycho-spiritual/ somatic embodiment modalities such as guided meditation, pre-recorded sound baths, or somatic practise to support the release and processing of grief, loss, and anger.

    You will receive an audio recording & session summary after each call.


    These longer 90 minute sessions enable a deeper dive into your process and are particularly useful for those going through immense challenges/ those ready to take bolder strides into their liberation and unfolding. These sessions will comprise of three components to navigate your journey of disentanglement from obsolete identities and programming, to identify blockages and limiting patterns.



    Embodiment Practise


    Meeting you where you are on your journey we map out your intentions and declarations. I will guide you in creating a route map for your ongoing self-inquiry & liberation practise and embodied integration.

    The talk component will allow us to identify blockages, dismantle existing narratives and work through historic or current challenges.

    The experiential portion of our sessions will utilise psycho-spiritual embodiment modalities such as guided meditation, pre-recorded sound baths, or somatic practises to support inner exploration, release and excavation.

    The integration component will allow for meaning making, harnessing your intuitive insights, identifying further tools and building embodiment strategies to support your on-going expansion in your day-to-day life.

    You will receive an audio recording of our session & a summary after the call with a list of further resources to support your self-guided practise.


    Recommended reading material/lists , journaling or introspection exercises, music or embodiment practises.


    The Ritual for Self Revolution: Transformational Program is an eight week decolonised, holism centred curriculum and practise that comprises of eight 90mins sessions to support folks who are wanting to radically transform their lives.

    Guiding folks to dismantle their internalised ‘coloniser’ by cultivating a decolonised relationship & deepened intimacy with their sovereign identity, blood lineage, nature, body, sexuality and spirituality. This program enables participants to reconcile with the ways in which they have been shaped by the systems of white supremacy and neo-colonial institutions, acknowledging the matrix of power that perpetuates toxic arrangements of power and competitive hierarchal dynamics that reinforce oppression. Compassionately inquiring and Interrogating the way in which they have unconsciously been shaped by these principles and most importantly providing the guidance and practises needed to support them to reclaim the lost aspects of their sovereign authentic identity, truth and gifts. Employing the wisdom of pleasure activism, which is the work we do to reclaim our whole, happy, and satisfiable selves from the impacts, delusions, and limitations of oppression and/or supremacy the program seeks to provide an intimate container of compassion care to enable the liberation of your whole being.

    Using a 5 step recolonization frame work combined with a core decolonisation theory curriculum, the eight sessions will cover.


    1.Understanding the Colonized Mind & Colonial Matrix of Power

    2. Investigating the psychological impact of colonial logic/ Internalised oppression

    3.REDISCOVERY:Detangling body-mind-spirit of colonial frameworks

    4. MOURNING: Grief practise & rituals to release, process and alchemise

    5. DREAMING: Seeding the decolonised Imagination & Pleasure Activism

    6. COMMITMENT: Mapping Future Goals & Declarations

    7. ACTION: Seed your connection with Ancestors, Spirit, Mother Earth and the Cosmic Web

    8. LIBERATION: Somatic Opening for Embodied Transformation

    Sessions will alternate between talk, education, reflection, practise & integration.

    You will receive audio recordings of our sessions & a summary after the call with a list of further resources to support your self-guided practise.


    Recommended reading material/lists , journaling or introspection exercises, music or embodiment practises.


Buki Fadipe
Transpersonal Guide / Decolonised Life Coach

What I do

I support people to hear the truth of their heart by tapping into the wisdom of their higher selves. I provide tools and practices for mind, body and spirit alchemy so they are able to witness the ways in which they have been conditioned and shaped past wounding or trauma, societal dogmas, familial patterning, internalised white-supremacy and oppressive doctrines.

Decolonising the mind-body-spirit requires the challenge of shadow and mirror work in order to see through the fog of façade perpetuated by dominant culture (white-capitalist-patriachy), to transform their lives life by reclaiming their inner truths and most authentic self.

I support you in developing new narratives and tools to liberate you from obsolete and limiting behaviours, patterns, ways of being and perceiving the world.

Using a methodology that combines elements of indigenous cosmo-visions, contemporary decolonial theory and praxis, spiritual (metaphysics) science and the wisdom of sacred medicine healing.

Schedule a session

If you are a new client be sure to email me prior or book a consultation call to clarify your intentions for this work and needs.

A payment plan is available for the ‘Rituals of Self-Revolution’ program, please contact me to discuss if this option would support/assist you in accessing the program.