Channeled Messages

  • Personalized

    Our sessions will be dedicated to answering a specific question or enquiring into a challenge, situation or circumstance you are needing guidance with which must be submitted with your booking. Open messages are also available for those seeking general guidance to support teem in the present moment. Please come with an open mind and an open heart, you will receive what is needed, not necessarily what is wanted

  • Intuitive

    I am a medium and intuitive reader, which means I utilise the power of my expanded knowing. I channel messages in a number of ways, the cards speak to me through imagery, energy or emotion. I hear whispers from those in the spirit realms, this can be through words, song lyrics or symbols. These are all from benevolent beings including ancestors, spirit guides and celestial forces who I connect with (with their permission in meditation prior to recording or being in a live reading with you. I will always be honest about messages I receive and what the dialogue communicated by the cards.

  • Integrative

    I am a decolonised practitioner which means my insights will always be grounded in culturally & spiritually nuanced interpretations, delivered using a therapeutic, lens.

    Each reading will be completed with specific channeled guidance to assist you in navigating your path forward. I’m trauma & somatics educated and initiated in medicine healing and energy work, so this may include recommendations for earth based holistic technologies and remedies to support your continued journey.


Can Tarot really be therapy?

The truth is divination acts as a form of therapy in many traditional cultures, by initiated medicine men and women/traditional healers. Tarot or Oracle card readings are just a more contemporary medium to facilitate the revelation of your immediate story, to provide insight into what lies ahead and to receive trusted guidance from your ancestors, guides & celestial energies in the unseen.


Tarot is generally diagnostic and can reveal deeper truth and clarity on what is dwelling in your subconscious faster than years in traditional talk therapy. I use a spiritual counselling approach to my readings which works for longer more regular sessions rather than a one of reading. The transformational work happens outside of our sessions with you integrating the wisdom an guidance you’ve received.

Divination therapy is not detached in the same way that talk therapy can be as it involves the opinion of the reader, it is not neutral and with holding, you will alway receive the unfiltered truth delivered by spirit and the cards themselves. It can be raw and exposing so you must come to a reading prepared to be fully seen. You will always be held with care and without judgement guided with a therapeutic lens.

15min Tarot pre-recorded reading


There is no video included for this order. This option allows guidance on 1 question pertaining to a present or past matter. Turnaround time is 5 days after placing order. The answer will be in audio, sent via email.

PRICE: £25.55

25min Tarot & Oracle pre-recorded reading

A 25 minute reading pre-recorded video. This option is best if you are seeking open or general life/spiritual guidance. You can leave it open or ask up to 2 questions for guidance pertaining to a specific situation or circumstance. Please ensure your questions are clear and succinct. Messages are delivered within 5 days of placing your order. The reading will be sent via email as a private video link.

PRICE: £35.55

45 min LIVE Tarot & Oracle reading

Live meeting via Zoom. This option is best if you are seeking guidance on a present/past life issues, experience or circumstance. These include spiritual guidance on your query which you submit in a single paragraph (240 words max) to outline what it is and what you are seeking. I meditate on your query before our session but please attend the session with any further developed thoughts, insights or questions, I can read into whilst i’m reading live.

You will receive a recording our the session which will include brief action steps to support you going forward.

PRICE: £55.55